Sunday, February 26, 2012

Slideshow Critiques

The silent slideshow I critiqued was: New Faces in New Places

The second slideshow (includes audio) I critiqued was: 25th Anniversary

The photo gallery I critiqued was:

I feel that both slideshows tell their stories well. The one without audio provides text which tells the story and it compliments the visuals.

Personally I like the silent slideshow more because you cycle through the slides at your own speed and take your time when reading the text.  The pictures are not in any particular order and that is the weakest part of that slideshow.

The slideshow that contains audio is a personal slideshow so it could be hard for some people to understand why certain pictures are involved. The audio fits the photos and project very well.

There is somewhat of a theme or order throughout this slideshow with the first song containing family pictures, the second song containing couple pictures and the final song containing photos of the children growing up.

Sound helps a lot in slideshows. It can sometimes create emotion when that the viewer might not feel by looking at a silent picture.

One of the cool features photo galleries have that slideshows do not is letting the viewer choose. When presented a photo gallery, the person looking at it can click on certain photos or categories and view the pictures that intrigue them; they are not forced to see every picture.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Duk Byrd Podcast

Duk Byrd:

        Duk Byrd is a jack of all trades at Lyndon State College. He is not just a student, he is also a very talented basketball player and most of all a skilled rapper.
        Born in Hartford and raised in Waterbury, Connecticut, Duk has been rapping and balling his whole life. Byrd transferred from Holy Cross High School to Cathedral High School (Springfield, MA) and played basketball for the team.

        He graduated from Cathedral in 2009. With dreams of playing Division I basketball not being fulfilled, Duk attended Lyndon State College as a Music Business major. Byrd played on the basketball team his Freshman year, but, he has taken this current year off in order to focus on academics.
        During his year off from basketball, Duk has released his mixtape "Still Chasin" which you can find on many hip-hop websites and he has just recently started working on his newest project which is untitled. 

        In January Duk performed at Higher Ground, a venue in Burlington, Vermont and many people from the Lyndon State student body made the trip to support.
        One thing that makes Duk special is his character. I know the rapper on a personal level and he is about as humble as one can be. Whether it is in the Dining Hall, the classroom, a dorm room or even on the basketball court, Duk is always willing to help people out.
        There is a sense of karma in his philosophy; with all of the kindness and sincerity he presents it all seems to come back to him with the amount of people that support his music. If you talk to Duk you will quickly find out that he is ambitious; the feedback and love he receives drives him to keep making music.

        With everything he has to offer, Duk is definitely one of the most intriguing students that attend Lyndon State.

You can download Duk's mixtape "Still Chasin" at:

You can also stay updated by: following @Duk203 on Twitter or

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Podcast Outline

For this podcast assignment, Jianchuan, Daniel, John and I will be interviewing one of Lyndon State's most interesting students, Duk Byrd.

Duk is an aspiring rapper from Connecticut and has performed at venues in the Lyndon area. Duk also has played for the Lyndon State Basketball Team in the past and plans to play again next year.

On Tuesday night we will construct our interview with Duk and we will ask him a great amount of questions dealing with future projects, school and sports and how he keeps a balance between the three.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Podcast Critiques

iZoofari Audio Tours-

-I wanted to choose three different podcast topics, so I figured a zoo podcast would be pretty cool. The different episodes of this podcast range over different zoo locations and different animals. The first episode I listened to was an audio tour of the lion exhibit at the San Diego Zoo.

-I liked how the narrator explained how the exhibits in the zoo were set up and he gave in depth information on how the zookeepers take care of the lions. One think I think this podcast could use was natural sound, for example background noise of the crowd near the lion exhibits, lion roars, grass rustling in the wind. The second episode I listened to was about how the zookeepers trained the lions. Once again, the lack of natural sound made this episode really boring.

-The only way I would keep listening to this podcast is if I were planning a vacation and I wanted to go to one of the zoos they talked about. They provide some cool facts and insight of the zoos and animal exhibits.

-I would download this on my iPhone if I were visiting one of these zoos, other than that I don't find this podcast useful.

Best of Mike & Mike-

-Mike & Mike in the morning is a talk show that airs on ESPN2 in the morning as well as ESPN radio. This show consists of live interviews with athletes, coaches, members of the media, etc. The show is hosted by Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic.

-I like how both of the hosts feed off each other and joke around, although there is time for fun they still get to the main point of what is going on in the sports world. I also like how they are current and always interviewing people, I believe the interviews keep the show interesting. Mike Greenberg was a writer for ESPN and Mike Golic is an ex-NFL player, I feel that having both the player aspect and the reporter aspect makes for a better show because they don't always agree on topics.

-Something I dislike about the podcast is that if you watch it on TV there are many ads and commercials. The audio podcasts run very long, I wish they would break them up into segments and label them. If that was the case then you could listen to the parts that you wanted to instead of scrubbing and trying to find interesting parts.

-I see myself listening to this podcast. Now that it is on my iTunes, I can listen to the episodes I want to hear if I miss the episode they show on the television that morning.

-I will keep this subscription on my laptop and might transfer it to my phone because it will give me something new to listen to every day if I have down time in the class or if I need something to listen to while I'm driving.

The Coastin' East Amusement Park Podcast-

-I feel this is a very interesting topic because most family vacations in America are centered around amusement parks.  This does not seem like it is professional but I still find this podcast very interesting. It is just a couple of kids talking about renovations, new rides, and top rides in amusement parks across America.

-I like how both hosts provide more of their own input rather than facts. I also like how it is more laid back rather than an up-tight radio show.

-I do not like how they don't have a website with a gallery so you can see these rides and renovations and other things. I also wish they would take phone calls because it would be great to see what theme-park enthusiasts across the country would want to see for new rides, favorite rides, etc. At times in these broadcasts there seems like they run out of things to say, they could do a better job of making the show flow.

-I could see myself listening to this podcast a lot just because I love amusement parks. It will be cool to listen and hear what parks have certain rides in the works.

-I would not put this on my mobile device because there is not any breaking news updates, I can listen to it on my laptop whenever I want.